After having worked with super successful entrepreneurs for more than half a decade, I have learnt small ways to improve my productivity and get more things done. As a business owner you are juggling with multiple tasks, here are few things to make life easier for you:
1. Write your Long Term Goals
This is really really the most basic step for working towards your goals.
2. Write your Daily To Do List
3. Delegation & Supervision
Any task that can be done by someone other than you, must NEVER be done by you, even if you are absolutely free or can do it quicker
All tasks that need to be repeated, need to be delegated. For complicated tasks, it’s a good idea to write down processes step by step for your team to follow
The most common excuse I used to get from my employees for not completing their work was: “mein bhul gaya.” So I fixed this by creating a shared work chart for my office. All my employees begin their day by screening all pending tasks from the work chart and prioritise according to importance and urgency. This is the first thing we teach them as part of their training with us.
4. Note Keeping
Use an App like Evernote to track all your personal and business ideas/progress
Keep your mind free to think creatively, instead of cluttering it with a to do list
I use Evernote to track goals, meetings, tasks, client notes, business development ideas, etc.
5. Password Manager
Get one app and a master userID/password to sort all your digital accounts. Think of a password manager like a book of all your passwords. Someone recommend LastPass to me and life has become really simple ever since.
6. Give your body the respect that it deserves
Exercise - daily exercise acts like a super booster to the brain
Nutrition - junk food causes laziness
Quantity - eat to survive, not survive to eat :)
Timings - try and eat your last meal around 7 pm
7. Sleep system
Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep
Sleep and wake up at the same time everyday. Giving yourself a routine ensures you're operating at your 100%.
8. Cognitive Training
9. Loving what you do
If I did not absolutely love my work, I don’t think I would be able to motivate myself to get up and do all these things in a day. My love for my work makes a really busy day seem like a breeze for me.
These are the things that make me super productive everyday. They are absolutely simple, but having the disciple to do them each day, every day has lead to a huge transformation in me. Hope you will also find them useful.
If you have any tips to improve productivity, please share them with me in the comments below.